Sunday, February 10, 2013

Teaching Technology

Imagine what your life would be like if every student was interested in the content they were studying...

Wouldn't teaching be so much easier?  

My book, Teaching Technology Through Interest Projects, does just that: it will help you differentiate for each student in your classroom while teaching standards to the whole group.

  • Each student, ages 8 to 18, may choose their topic of study- anything he or she likes as long as it is not violent or vulgar.  
  • Each teacher instructs the whole class (2 to 32) on the common core standards of research skills, reference materials, writing styles, and the National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS-S).  Each student applies the whole group lessons to his or her individual interest project.

Teachers teach whole group/ Students learn individual interest

Check out the free resources that accompany my book: Teaching Technology Companion Website.